Sunday, January 9, 2011

What does it all mean? (post #1)

Recently the United States has experienced several fish and bird mass die offs. This has been a much discussed issue in the media. Even Jim Carey joked that the world was ending in reference to what has happened in Arkansas and Louisiana as well as other places around the country and world on Saturday Night Live. Many theories have been offered to explain these animal deaths ranging from secret weapons tests to nature to armageddon. What do you think? Please be respectful of others opinions while blogging


  1. Maria Perez
    I believe that since all these animals are dying off around the country many theories have been made by people because they want to know the cause, and seeing that so many birds and fish have died has brought a kind of fear to the people. Some believe its an illness, others that it was a trauma from the fireworks from new years. All of these could be possible causes of the die offs but no one is sure yet, and for those that expierenced this event might be concerned of what is going on.

  2. people make conspiracy and illogical theories based on things they do not understand, look at the JFK assassination for example, we dont have all the facts, so we make wild stories up. while i do not have a solid theory as to what caused this, i completely disagree with the whole end of the world scenario.

  3. In my opinion, I think the dying of all the fish and birds in various places in the world is a nature's way of keeping the food cycle in order by not allowing too many of a certain species to interfere and overrun the other fish and birds.

  4. I'm pretty scared about all this unknown deaths... They have claimed that this could be the end of the world and these events were said to be the begining of it in the bible. I have no idea what to think of this and I'm just hoping that this is all just going to roll over and no more deaths will come.

  5. I don't really have much to say on this topic, honestly. I don't have much knowledge of the fish species or the area, or many facts to go off of other than the water being extra cold. I don't want to slap on a theory just because it'll give me some sort of cause to fight or something to fear. It happened, I like Jimmy's thoughts that it's probably just nature regulating the population if anything.

    Sasha Schotzko-Harris

  6. I belive the fish and bird die offs are a product of pollution. Ever since the golf oil spill there have been many fish dieing abviously from the oil. The birds may be diying from the all smog and pollution in the air which means we need to start taking care of the environment.

    Clarisa Carrillo

  7. Omar Delgado sloan per 4January 9, 2011 at 7:40 PM

    ok first i want to say that was funny! XD but as for the birds and fish the animal reasearch guy said its happen before. truthfully i beleive we should let nature takes its course. it can take care of itself without our help. and if unfortuanatly the world comes to an end then i dont know. but im actually kind of interested in the temperature theory. i beleive that to be the closest explanation to why this happend. mayb it got too clod to fast and they couldnt reaspond to the situation fast enough.

  8. Im not concerned about this ocurrence at all. Water got too cold for the young fish, so they died. Probably somthing similar happened to the birds, like thier food source died from being too cold. Its definatly not the apocolipse and i dont think these ocurrences are related atb all considering they happened continents apart from eac other. People just need to stop freaking out when some wildlife dies off. After all, they are just animals.

  9. Nathalie Trevino; A. Bauer period1January 9, 2011 at 8:33 PM

    I believe these occurrences are due to nature; whether it be an effect of global warming, an illness, or "Mother Nature's" way of keeping the population in check.

  10. Brian Magina, Sloan P.3January 9, 2011 at 9:03 PM

    I believe that this issue is nothing to stress over because just as the man said in the first video the sky is not falling, this is just something that happens from time to time like in 1976 when 15 million fish died. It's part of life and we just have to deal with it and hope that it doesn't happen again. Just listen to Jim Carrey's opinion on the issue, it explains it

  11. Josh Agans, Bauer P.5January 9, 2011 at 9:23 PM

    i do not believe people should worry about these events at all. its understandable that they died because of the temperature change. its not like there was nothing to cause the deaths of the fish. they werent used to the cold water so they didnt make it. as for the birds, i think their deaths arent much to worry about either. like the guy said in the video, things like this have happened before and nothing horrible followed. im not worried about what has happened.

  12. The events with the fish and birds are disturbing and mysterious, so naturally people scramble around trying to find an answer, no matter how outlandish it may seem to some. There will always be people that find certain events as signs of the end of the world, but I am not one of them so I will wait until there is an official report from an expert. I believe this is a natural occurence that will have a logical explanation in time if people just calm down and think clearly. Bauer/Sloan

  13. Super weird...Maybe we'll all find out in a couple weeks about some crazy tests someone was doing in the areas this occured. Or, maybe it's just like what everyone's saying...just a temperature drop!

  14. Cierra Gonsalves, Mr. Bauer, Period 2January 9, 2011 at 10:57 PM

    I highly doubt that the death of birds and fish means that the world is ending. I believe that government testing could have something to do with the recent deaths, due to the fact that its been an issue in the past, not just conserning animals, but humans as well. People have experienced the same thing has happening with jellyfish washing up on shore at local beaches in San Francisco.


  15. Hmm.... Anyone's guess is as good as mine. I don't know what could cause such a thing. Apparently, it happens. Nothing we can do to help except maybe watch what we do with our environment more carefully.

    Alex Perez
    P.4 Econ.

  16. Uhh... My guess is as good as anyone's... I meant. Haha. My bad.

  17. This is an odd event that has happened before, but no one knows why this happened in the first place, If this continues to happen the fish will slowly die off, and the fish supply could be cut of in that certain area. I believe that this is the job for Environmental scientist or an Ecologist to get involved in, they can decided wether this is due to the weather or other chemicals in the water.

    Trista Dowdy
    Sloan per.5

  18. I think it's suspicious that these many different species of fish and birds are dying out all so close in time, but I don't think it's a sign of "the end of the world". For many years species have unfortunately become extinct or have even disappeared due to human domination, not superstition. Is it possible the animals died off due to any type of pollution or chemical incident caused by people? I'm not sure, but I think there must be a reasonable explanation.

    Devin Smith, Mr. Bauer, P.1.



  20. I believe that the fish may have died because of the cold weather. It makes perfect sense that such a massive amount of fish died due to the cold ocean water. Many people start bringing in their own theories, due to other theories that have been presented in the past, but these kind of things have happened before, and it's just nature taking its natural course.

    Stephanie Romero
    Period 3

  21. honestly i think it was just the cold temperature, its been reeallllyyy cold out and imagine in the water? i think that both the fish and the birds are dying because of the cold weather.

    sloan period 1

  22. Enrique Angulo
    First off that Jim video was hilarious, but getting back to the topic. I believe that the fish might have died of a natural cause.Even though we should keep in mind that there are theories as said in the last paragraph before the first video. There can be secret weapons that could be being tested on fishes.As for the birds there is no explanantion but we should be concerned either way.

  23. Maria Schmidt, Bauer, Per 5January 10, 2011 at 5:18 PM

    I do not believe these are signs of the end of the world. Like the man in the video said, the deaths are most likely due to a dramatic temperature drop. Different species can be affected by changes in temperature. However, to me, the birds dying seems even stranger. There is probably a good explanation for why these deaths occurred, we just haven't found it yet.

  24. I think that peoples' conspiracies about the dying bird and fish is a sign of their ignorance. People do not read into the scientific facts and consider the environment that we're in and also the climate change.

  25. Andie Moitoza
    Ag. Government
    This topic is so depressing. :( Goes to show Jim Carey can make anything funny. So, fish dying being the end of the world....really? Maybe it's the temperature change, but that doesn't explain the birds. Im not a vegetarian I think they all decided they'd rather die on their own terms than be killed, sold or eaten by bass. haha *kidding* I feel sorry for the bass though. Oh, well more for me :)

  26. Emily Staab, Bauer Per. 2January 10, 2011 at 5:58 PM

    These deaths surprise me but I'm not too concerned about them. Like the guy in the video said, the fish and birds didnt know how soo to start migrating. Even birds that I see in galt, like the sandhill cranes, showed up late. We usually see them at an earlier time of year. But I don't think we should worry too much until we know the real cause behind these deaths.

  27. Well, I dont think this is a sign of the world ending or anything. All I know is that the water is really REALLY cold, and thats why the fish are dying. The Birds, I'm not so sure. Maybe it got cold up there too. I have to say though- it is kinda creepy. I mean, you're driving along, and all of a sudden, dozens of dead birds start hitting your windsheild. Its creepy yes, can it be explained? Probably.

  28. Danielle Smith, Sloan P1January 10, 2011 at 6:56 PM

    I don't buy into any of the end of the world talk. Animals die, it's a part of the whole nature cycle. It's not like fish or birds can go inside and curl up in their snuggies to gain warmth. These animals' deaths were probably caused by the temperature drop, but my guess is as good as everyone else's. It does make sense though; fish can't survive in water if it gets too cold. That theory sure does sound better than gggaaahhh everyone panic, the world is ending!I'm sure there will be plenty of tests done and speculation on those results, so we'll find out the cause soon enough.

  29. I think that it is just part of nature that animals die. There needs to be a levelness amount of species in nature. There can't be too many or too little. But I do think its wrong if these animals aren't dying from natural causes and are from humans.

    -Ivan Cardenas
    Mr. Sloan Per.3

  30. I think its slightly comical that it's record cold temperatures in the water while quite a large number of people are spouting off global warming theories. These events don't signify the end of the world to me. I think it could be because of global cooling! The world is gradually getting colder and even eventually the polar ice caps will expand so far that they conquer the world and the human race will cease to exist.
    Marklin Nixon
    Mr. Sloan
    Government Period 1

  31. I have no idea what caused this. Armeggedon will happen eventually but I don't believe this is a sign of it. Probably just a lightning strike or freak nature event.

  32. I agree with what has been said by a few people. All these deaths could be due to the drastic changes in the weather. It could also be due to illness, Animals do die off in flocks, or waves due to that (eating the same rotting/toxic carcass, being exposed to certain temperatures etc). Both nature and human involvement determine a species existence in the present. For instance we have dropped tons of gallons of oil, gas etc into the ocean numerous times, so it could even be hypothesized that the waters are dangerous to certain species now. It is not the end of the world, as the gentleman in the video stated, the same thing happened in 1973. Nothing should be assumed, and we should keep using theories and exploring our options to find the real cause, instead of letting our popular emotion of fear run our investigations.

  33. I’d have to say that these occurrences are due to natural selection. It seems like these fish hit just the wrong period of time with the cold waters. They couldn’t handle the cold temperatures, which led them to die. Natural selection! Where nature kills off certain animals or species that can’t adapt to the new environments. Let’s face it, the environments around the globe are changing, it’s a natural process of the earth. Plus the fish were young. They probably hadn’t developed all the way or something along those lines. But yes, definitely nature taking its course. Same with the birds too. Some animals just can’t handle the new environments and temperatures, so natural selection kills them off. It’s just nature.

  34. The occurrences of animal deaths in general, I believe, are caused by us humans and nature. We have greatly destroyed the earth, affecting the weather, and affecting nature. I don't believe that the world is coming to an end, but I believe that there are many more bad events to come. The animal die-off is only the beginning.

    Chrissy Vue
    Period 3

  35. There may have been an over abundance of fish. Many of the fish that died were young, so they did not know how to move to warmer water. Birds likely died as a part of nature as well. I do not think that anything too serious is going on. These types of things tend to happen every so often.

  36. The mass death of those birds and fish may or may not be linked, but action should be taken. At this point the cause is unknown, but it is most likely that the mass dying has to do with the Earth's weather change. The man from the CNN video did say that this event had happened before, but I think that it should be taken as a warning to what might happen in the future. I don't believe in the world ending in 2012, but plans should be made to make sure that the human race doesn't change the earth to the point of no return.

  37. This is a very strange and intriguing phenomenon. However, I am not concerned and do not believe this is a sign of the apocalypse. Furthermore, I have not the slightest idea as to why these animals have died. I will keep myself updated with the latest news regarding this shocking occurrence as I am curious to learn the cause of these events.

  38. Kevin Krivda, Mr. Bauer P1
    I believe that it is just nature taking its course. I don't really believe in any armagedon scenarios and everyone will have their theory to try an explain something they dont know.

  39. Haley Neal Bauer Per 1January 10, 2011 at 10:35 PM

    I doubt that the fish and the birds are a sign that the world is coming to an end. As strange as it may be, there has to be some explaination. The world isn't just going to end for no reason. Something should be done to try an prevent further animal deaths and study this strange occurance. However, I'm sure there are some great conspiracy theories to try to explain the bird/fish deaths.

  40. SUPER ODD! I'm not sure what could have caused fishes in different areas to die, let alone bird species as well. However, I do not believe the theory in which the world is ending. Maybe it is due to the temperature dropping, or maybe there is something else going on that hasn't been found yet. Very weird, yet very interesting.

  41. Bauer 4th
    Jacob Farrar

    i don't really know what to make of this. i find it very interesting that only specific animales are dieing and notht he whole area. if i had to guess what was doing this, i would go with disease. ( just liek the westnial and H1N1). the animales carring this are only atracted to one common trait these animales all share. thats just my guess. it would be cool to get to the bottom of this and find out why.

  42. So a bunch of birds and fish are dying. I don't think the world is ending. Those fish experts are probably right. The water got too cold for those fish and birds probably had diseases or something.

  43. I think that the birds and fish deaths are due to nature. I highly doubt that millions of fish and bird deaths are a sign that the world is ending. Sloan per 1

  44. Alexis Watson Bauer 3January 11, 2011 at 4:07 PM

    This is basically the same way global warming started, which turned out to be an environmentalist crock. The deaths are sad yes, but everyone and everything dies, just because we don't know exatly how it happened does not mean it is the end of the world.

  45. The events that are going on are weird but everything happens for a reason. The birds and fishs that died are caused by disease its nature we can't stop

  46. Danielle Bulmer -- Bauer -- 4January 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM

    I think we should just allow nature to take its course. There is already a reasonable explanation to the deaths of the fish and birds, so why make more of something than it actually is?

  47. Well to start off i think the death of the animals is not a big deal because it could just be the temperature and the death of the fish was caused by the cold water. And as of the birds i am not really concerned because the guy in the video said that this has also happened before and it didnt do much. All of these things doesnt mean the world is about to end! So i dont think we should worry that much at all.

    Jaskiran Kaur
    Period 2

  48. Well i really dont know what could have happend. But to me the cold water theory was the one that made more sences. it is possible that the fish didnt migrate on time and died in the cold waters.
    monica salazar


    MR. BAUER Pr.4

  50. I think these events might be linked. However these events are a part of nature and i believe they died because of a sudden change in their habitats. I don't believe the world is ending just because a lot of birds and fishes died but i do think this should attract some reasearch for a specific answer.

  51. I believe that there must be some sort of weapon/missle testing going on. The weather probably also plays its part.

    Guadalupe Velasquez
    Sloan, Period 1


  53. Well, i think the birds that died is probably because of the weather. It's been so cold this year. maybe that is what it has to do with it. I think it's really not a big issue n what we have to keep investigating about. They died so they died.
    Sania Bacha

  54. I think these incindents are very strange to everybody, know body knows what to believe or expect. People say it's pollution, it's the fish and birds themselves, and the Bible. I think know one will ever know because life goes on and people move on.

  55. Umm, i don't know if this has been said yet,,,,,,
    I DID IT. It wasn't George Bush, it wasn't global warming, and it wasn't Mr.Bauer. Truth is that i wanted to translate my singing so that fish and birds could understand me. Needless to say, i sound terrible.

    Seriously: I believe it's natural. The guy said this has happened twice already. We can't even predict the weather with accuracy. This is not the end of the world.
    Caleb Newman

  56. I believe the phenomenon can be best explained as nature, like the resident of Arkansas said, sometimes the fish population gets too dense or the water was too cold. Everyone trys to cause panic over an event that occurs rarely in an area, but is not uncommon.

  57. I think that the fish and birds are dying in certain parts of the world because there may be something harmful in the air or water around those animals. It may be that we are polluting the air or water or it may be some other unnatural world. I don't think it's the end of the world. I think we should find out what is killing these animals and find a solution to this problem.
    Erica Ayala, Bauer, Per. 4

  58. Katie Frogue; Sloan, P1January 11, 2011 at 6:03 PM

    I believe that the fish may have died because of the cold weather. It makes sense that such a huge amount of fish died due to the cold water. Many people start bringing in their own stories, due to others that have been said in the past, but these kind of things have happened before, and it's just nature taking its natural course.

  59. I think that people are a main reason why birds and fish are dying. I think because of the oil spill and many other factors. Or the birds and fish have a disease and it will soon get to the people and people will die. But i dont think that will happen.
    Tori Milligan
    Sloan per.3

  60. Shane Santos, Per 5, BauerJanuary 11, 2011 at 6:05 PM

    I dont think its the end of the world. its just natural selection taking effect on these fish. like the man said in the video its happened before and the world didnt end then so why would end now. it will probably have an affect on the food chain but thats it.

  61. Not the first time where mass amount of birds or fish died. Things die...

    Forrest MacDonald

  62. I think that we could do better with the pollution of the animals. We could be more respectful for nature. But it isn't going to end the world. I think the media may affect it since we pollute the Earth so much.

  63. I agree that the fish were dying because the water was just too cold for them. Like the man had said in the first video, this happens from time to time so it is probably just part of nature.

    Melissa Quezada
    Mr. Bauer

  64. Well first of all, I would have said yes to Jim in a heartbeat. Second, I do not think that the death of these animals are very threathening to our lives. It has happen before and it can happen again. I am not worried that it is the end of the world, just that it was a sudden change in temperature. People need to relax about this whole "the world is ending". But if it is true, we should not be wasting our time worrying about fish and birds but be living it up this year.

  65. human beings are automatically scared of the unknown, and people automatically jump to conclusions of "alien attacks" or "armagedeon".Personally, I dont believe in the whole 2012, the world is going to end b.s.
    Ya, I dont know whats going on, and its really scary, but i wouldnt jump to those crazy conclusions.I do believe that this is somehow conneted to the oil spill, but the weird "omg 2012 is coming were all gonna die' concept is well...stupid.
    Rebecca Miles
    Bauer p.4 AP

  66. Jackie Douglas Bauer P.2January 11, 2011 at 7:11 PM

    I completely agree with Rebecca Miles. It's all just coincidence. People just need to calm down and let scientists do their jobs and find a reason for why this is happening; and if they can't find one, then oh well. Don't freak out. There are more important things to do with your time than worry about the end of the world.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Random events happen all the time, why they happen no one is really sure. People can't just tie the events together to predict the end of the world is coming. There are bigger things to stress about, more realistic things.

  69. i like Caleb's answer. and the caps lock button is on the left side of your keyboard under tab, please turn it off, i don't like being yelled at.

  70. wow...this was a very intriguing video. I personally dont think it is the end of the world. I would have to agree with my classmates that said it is probably part of natures food cycle. Plus there has been a drastic change in weather so i wouldnt be suprised if more animals were found dead.

  71. Cristian Garcia p3/ BauerJanuary 11, 2011 at 7:20 PM

    people have different ideas put i think that we got caught up life is changing. More animals are becoming extinct also it can be a new disease that is affecting animals. In life when something goes wrong people always think of the worst all we have to do is keep moving on.

  72. Abe Madrigal
    Per. 1

    I think that people are just making a big deal of it saying that "the world is ending" that's all bs.I also think that this birds and fish are dieing because of this cold weather that's it happening all around the world

  73. as long as its not people or mamals then maybe its ok for us. today birdsandfish, tomorrow its us. maybe not..
    veronica iniguez
    SLOAN p1

  74. I agree with Natalie in the fact that these birds and fish are not dangerous to live of us humans. just like the man said, in 1972 or whatever there was about 15 million deaths of the same fis. so i believe that it could be the bay itself or the type of fish. i dont think its "the end of the world" because its happened before and it could just be another phase for the fish. and the situation was a lot worse last time it happened. so i think we r good. and i kinda think the SNL video was pointless but it was funny hahaha
    Blake Harrison
    period 3

  75. In my opinion even though animals and sea animals have been dieing off i think scientists shouls try and figure out why we are having this problem out of the blue so then maybe they could find a cure or something else to fix whatever that is going on.

    Aniscia Silva
    Per 5

  76. I'm sorry but I do not believe that the death of the birds and fish mean anything. For some reason people are always trying to find reasons for things that happen to coincide, even when there is no supernatural reason for it. The reason the birds died was blunt force trauma, most likely from hail, and the fish died from either disease or temperature changes in their water. I think that the bottom line is that the cause of most of these death was global climate change, as it caused the unusual weather. So what we should take away from this is that we need to take better care of our environment. But also I am 99.99% sure that the deaths do not mean that the world was ending, which I think is a good thing, so we should all look at the bright side, we get more days to live, instead of trying to make everyday the end of the world!
    Bauer per. 1
    Sloan per. 3

  77. I think we just had a few cold days which killed a few animals in the grand scheme of things and it is nothing to be worried about, this wont effect us directly anytime soon so I think we should just go on living our lives and not take this as a sign that the end of the world is really going to be in 2012. I think that we probably can make enough artificial fish food for the bigger fish to stop the problem from going to a bigger scale so we should look at that carefully and stop it, but I don't think it is anything to be concerned about.

    Zachery Atkins
    Mr. Bauer
    Period 2

  78. Jana HackettttttttttJanuary 11, 2011 at 7:38 PM

    I believe that it's just nature taking its course. It sounds like there is a certain disease that is specific to that species. Along with deaths from the disease, the fish and birds also could have been shot as game. These deaths could build up and cause people to believe that this is no coincidence, but things do happen like this more often than one may believe. Diseases do spread between certain species, and the birds could have had a blood clot or disease that affects and kills them, while the fish could be swimming in water that causes them to die.

    Bauer 5

  79. Aliens.

    Victoria Turney
    Mr. Bauer
    1st Period

  80. This my sound terrible, and many will argue it but, i honestly think the world is ending. Now i dont necessarily think it is as soon as 2012 but i dont think it is too far away either. I dont think it is just by fluke or the government i believe that we as humans have just done enough damage on this Earth and this is just the begining of mother nature's way of bringing her self back to life.

    Steffanie Eisenga

  81. I cannot fully believe that this event is the cause of some armageddon wihtout proof. That said these theories that people claim to be conspiracies and different ideas should not be so ridiculed because people simply want an answer to comfort themselves and believe they know what is going to happen. The theories people call insane and "crocks" could very well be the right answer and we have no place to judge them or their thoughts until we have definate proof and then can begin to work against stopping these scary events, armageddon or not.

  82. in my opinion i think there are may things about nature that are still a mistery to human kind... the deaths of animals like fish and birds in a large % makes me wonder what could have caused it but honestly... i dont think anyone has a 100% ligitamet answer.. as i sead.. there are many things we do not know and understand of nature...
    Alondra Munoz
    Sloan p5

  83. Emily Geiszler, AP Gov, Period 4January 11, 2011 at 8:11 PM

    I feel as though there is some explanation for why millions of fish and birds have been dying. The world is not ending, people are just worried and want to have some explanation for these occurences whether they make sense or not. I'm sure all of this wildlife is probably just dying because of extreme temperature changes that they may not have encountered before. There is a reasonable explanation for everything, sometimes it just takes a while to find it. I do not believe we are currently experiencing the beginning of an armageddon.

  84. Science will derive an answer…
    (Sloan P.3/Bauer P.4)

  85. Woah. crazy lol. well seeing as how specific species or birds and fish have been killed by this, its likely that either certain areas were affected by the same thing or that these species are all susceptible to the same disease or chemical.
    Because this incident was so widespread, its more likely to be a biological than chemical cause of death, something that is all over the place, like a virus. Although viruses are not as potent when cold, neither are immune systems, so it could be possible that the cold spikes simply made these species a target for disease. If it was a chemical agent, it would have to be across huge areas, which would be very very bad lol.
    But I dont think this is any example of armageddon or like, evolution through natural selection, or anything crazy. Just most likely nature.

  86. alex gonzalez period 5 mr bauerJanuary 11, 2011 at 8:23 PM

    I think these fishes and birds have been dying do to natural deaths,as it said that the world might be ending,well its not true things happen for a reason and everything has an explanation.The fish may be in danger do to water pollution do to the cause that people throw things in the water without knowing the causes and well the birds it might be something happening beacause of a disease.

  87. Alejandro Ibarra (Mr.Sloan, P.1)January 11, 2011 at 8:24 PM

    I believe that we should be concerned about this situation, but i dont think its the end of the world. to me its just something that has to do with the climate change all around the world and as shows water tempratures have reached extremly cold temps.

  88. Chelsea Ray, Sloan p1January 11, 2011 at 8:26 PM

    Really? Fish and birds dying are not a sign of the world ending! The temperature change is the most logical explanation. People need to stop being ridiculous and think things through.

  89. I believe that this is all just a conspiracy. Many say that this is the begining of the end of the world but like the video said this kind of stuff happens. This could be due to air pollution or water pollution.

  90. I partially believe that the whole dying off of birds and fish could be the product of the pollution the world has endured. However it seems a bit weird for such incidents to happen all around the same point in time, throughout the entire world. There has to be a more reasonable explanation. Some may call it the signs of end of the world, while others may just believe it's a coincidence. I know one thing for that's for sure, it's definiately Mother-Nature's "time of the month".

  91. Gary Vasquez Mr.Bauer Per.3
    First and foremost any living organism that dies is a loss to all because we all depend on all other living organisms to support our extravagant pet or eating habits. To say that these occurrences are out of order is something still to be seen by all. Most of the population have their own theories on why this has happened yet none have been proven to be true. Furthermore, one can only imagine if it will happen to us, and if it does, when??? Life will take its course with or without us... (Something to think about)

  92. Steven Reichmuth, Bauer, period 2January 11, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    Head for the hills,the end of the world is upon us! haha not really. I researched this and turns out that things of this matter happen every so often in nature. Massive die offs are nothing new unless you're one of the people who believe the world is going to end every couple years, then its sign of the apocalypse.

  93. TO be honest i have no idea why this is happening. Yea they can explain the fish but who really knows, i think it was maybe a secret military expirement or somethin like that idk maybe the world really is ending.
    jake beilby
    per 1 sloan

  94. I do not think that the dead birds and fish are an indication that the world is ending. People always panic when they see something they have not seen before; once a scientific reson is provided, people will see that there is no supernatural force involved.

    Omar Hoyos

  95. Gary Vasquez Mr.Bauer Per. 3
    Rest assured that December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world. There are over twelve different civilizations in the world that predict something happening on this particular date, however, those same calendars continue beyond the infamous 2012. What is a scientific fact is that on that day, the sun will be in perfect alignment with our galaxy, an event that only happens once every 25,000 years. So, with the coming event of this alignment (just short of two years away) it should not be surprising that the gravitational pull will have an affect on earth. Weather changes, for one, changes in climate conditions and patterns will, for the most part be confusing to life on earth, and not just with animals, but humans as well. As with any change, adjustments need to be made, and if a species is not strong enough to endure the change, then I believe extinction would be the right word for the outcome. The finding of dead birds and fish is not the only forms of life that is experiencing this change. Whales and seals have been washing up on the shores of the pacific, dead, for no apparent reason; and of course the hurricanes and tornado's that seem to be occurring at odd times of the year. The pattern continues, but it is evolutionary change, and it has been happening our entire lives; we just haven't been paying attention. I do believe, however, that finally mother earth is finally getting our attention.

  96. Lourdes Godinez

    I dont think the end of the world is coming because of this. I do believe that their is a cause to the deaths of the fish and birds, the cause being pollution and maybe even the theory that weapons are being tested.

  97. Well first of all I don't think its the end of the world. I think fish are dying because the climate is going thrue different changes. I'm not sure why the birds are dying but it shouldn't be something that we should get involve with. It may be something that we should look out for or be concerned about, but in this case I say let nature be.

    PER: 2

  98. I agree with Jimmy and think that nature is just doing its thing to keep the world going. It may appear that so many birds and fish are dying because there are not enough of the animals that eat them or maybe because a shortage of their food. There is also the possibility that they are dying from a man-made disease that throughout the animal kingdom, but I don't know enough about the situation to add much more.

    Melody Morphis
    Mr. Sloan
    per. 1

  99. Katey Santillan Bauer P1January 11, 2011 at 9:21 PM

    I don't think there is anything to worry about, the expert said that those kind of fish can't handle the cold. In 1976 there were 15 million that died, way more than the 2.5 million that happened recently. I don't think this is the end of the world and i don't think it's a form of pollution. The fish couldn't take the cold. Case closed.

  100. I believe that the fishes dying is due to all the pollution from the golf coast. The birds dying could also be a result of different types of pollution. The fact that they died in such masses, in my opinion, only adds to the theory that it was pollution since they were all feeding from the same source.

    Kaylanie Lavender
    Mr. Bauer

  101. Kyle Maples - Bauer Period 1January 11, 2011 at 9:28 PM

    This was just coincidence and nothing else. Whoever thinks that it maybe tied to this 2012 nonsense and so on is foolish. The world wont end until the sun expands far enough to burn the surface of the earth and then one day expand completely beyond the earth. Lets just get on and continue our lives people.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. i think that the birds and fish just died because of the climate but who knows. honestly people just need to let nature take its course and i think people need to stop assuming that everything is leading to the world ending...
    erika oropeza

  104. Everyone is different and will always have many different theories to what might have happened. We seem to be so technologically advanced but yet one one can see to really explain why this mass die off occures. I believe Mother Nature is the only thing that will never be controlled or predicted 100%. We just need to hold out and see what each new day brings us.

  105. well i think that it was just one of those things that happens why do some people find shocking when some certain amount of animals die but don't think about the millions of humans dieing daily it was just was that they did not make it to their destination and died case of climate they weren't used too.
    richard manzo

  106. i do not think that the bird and fish deaths have any important meaning at all. It happens. things change.

  107. I think that all those fish died because its just nature and sometimes we cant explain nature. I dont think that there is anything weird going on or that the world is ending and I dont think this should be worth getting worried over.

    Gerardo Salcido

  108. most of the students that have commented on this blog say that there is nothing to worry about, that the world is not ending and that the animals are dying due to the mass temperature changes, But why has the temperatures gone through a rapid change.even if the world doesnt end and like gary said the world will have to adapt, but some extinction has to occur. right now maybe those school kids in little rock Arkansas are right about mass murder. Maybe all the birds are deciding to die so they dont have to suffer nd wait for the worlds end. and also like that one biology professor said, "they dont hit a power line for no reason. Everyone is confused and no one knows what to say even when the answer is right in front of us. the theories ,in my opinion are just exuses and other thoughts to keep the humans from panicking

  109. i dont believe that the world is going to end,probably this is happening because we dont take care of our enviroment.We need stay green!
    and take care of every animal on earth.

    SLOAN P5

  110. No one really knows why this is all happening,all of the sudden. It might be the temperature change,or that we dont take care of our enviroment.
    Just because many birds and fish are dieing it doesnt mean is the end of the world.

    SLOAN P.1

  111. The world is not going to end. The very notion is ridiculous. Global warming is the reality we have to face, not the apocalypse. These events are have natural causes, but may be caused by our mistakes, like the (not so) recent oil spill. Now, if something truly horrible happens, like Sarah Palin becoming president, we have to worry about the end of the earth. Spill, baby, spill!

  112. Soceity feeds on the media. The media needs stories so they can make money. Thousands of birds and fish dying is quite interesting.Everyone knows this is fake , but everyone does know that the worls will ens in 2012
    So, when peoples eye balls pop out of their heads, I kick them.
    Jordan Elzie per 2 sloan

  113. Faye Roberson, Bauer, Period 5January 11, 2011 at 10:17 PM

    The fish and the birds dieing are a bit crazy. Its weird that this would happen, and then be a big deal all of a sudden if this has happened before. I do hink about glabal warming though because it has been a big issue for our world and it doesnt seem to get any better. I dont want to think about the world ending anytime soon!!

  114. kayla rodriguez sloan5January 11, 2011 at 10:25 PM

    i think that people are convincing themselves that the world is going to end over silly little things like this. its just a part of nature & it was time for these creatures to pass on. i dont think it is the end of the world i think people just need something to talk about. sure its a coincidence but nothing major. our earth is just super polluted.

  115. Gabriel Mabalot bauer 4January 11, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    i blame global warming for the animals dying off. i blame bad parenting for the murders that have been killling people off. our society is slowly deteriorating.

  116. I do not have much to say on this subject. I do not know anything about the birds and fish dying and do not have a clue why they are dying off. It is probably just part of the life cycle and people are just making a bigger deal about it then it needs to be.
    Spencer Pellandini

  117. I personally believe there is a scientific explanation to everything. This unexplained phenomena has an explanation. We just haven't discovered what it is yet.
    Conner Woods Bauer

  118. Margarita Flores per.5 Mr.BauerJanuary 11, 2011 at 10:35 PM

    Recently the United States has experienced several fish and bird mass die offs. This has been a much discussed issue in the media. Many theories have been offered to explain these animal deaths ranging from secret weapons tests to nature to armageddon. But yet it maybe other reasons but it is pretty wired this is happening. now this dose mean something but i don't think the world is coming to a end soon but it maybe the start of the way the world may end who knows , maybe some day well find out.

  119. Asher Maroot- Sloan P,1January 11, 2011 at 10:39 PM

    i do not believe that this is the result of some secret chemical weapons being, but just an unusual natural event of some sort. and there has to be at least one person to make a joke out of the incident because it is new and unusual so they want to be the first to make a joke out of it

  120. What happens happens if it is the end of the world what difference does it make you should be living like a good person anyways, most likely though it's just coincidence. Anybody remember y2k? Good times.

  121. In the 70's over 15 million fish died, and the spot fish did not go extinct. If the species can suffer that many casualties, the 2 million dead fish will only have small negative effects.

    Sloan Per. 3
    Bauer Per. 4

  122. Sarah Richter, Bauer, Period 5January 11, 2011 at 10:51 PM

    i don't think that the fish dying was from a secret chemical weapon in the water. In the video it states that they swim away because of the weather and water temperature change. The fish just left a little late and didn't make it through the waters.

  123. Janeiry Balderas Sloan Per 4January 12, 2011 at 12:38 AM

    I dont beleive the end of the world will come because of some fish dieing, though the topic is suspicious. perhaps because researchers havent found the true cause of this phenomenon, they blame it on other past theories. i beleive we have nothing to wory about.

  124. Since the reason for the death of these birds and fish are unknown people have came up with their own theries to start out with an idea to find out what was the cause, if they prove their theory.
    Cristina Bernal

  125. Sergio Maldonado, Sloan p.3/Bauer p.4January 12, 2011 at 6:20 AM

    People will probably stop thinking that the deaths are unatural, once scientists find out a cause for these multiple deaths. It could be pollution that caused these deaths. The most likely cause is that the birds and fish were not used to the temperature and died from being in unfavorable conditions.

  126. having recently embraced existentialism, i would argue that there is absolutely no meaning to these fish and bird deaths. as a matter of fact, there is no meaning to anything. any body who wishes it to mean something is just afraid. hehe. just kidding. there is an explanation to this. maybe the fish are just on strike. people will always have unusual explanations and theories abut things.

  127. If the deaths so far are unknown then there is no reason to think more into it at the moment, later the cause will be discovered and we will know why all these animals have died in a mass number, it could be natural reasons that would occur or a shock to people in their environment, no one knows at the moment

  128. Justin Tyler, Bauer, p.3January 12, 2011 at 7:40 AM

    I think the vast number of deaths among the fish and birds is because of the environment and is a sign that we need to be smart about what we put into it. I also agree that it could be natural reasons as well maybe they all got startled and died or something as a form of defense or something.

  129. This might seem like a shocking incident that will cause judgement day, but I believe it is just a natural disaster to us and to the animals it is just nature taking its course. People could be to blame, for animals arent making changes to the world compared to us people.

  130. I believe it might be a late affect of the oil spill. All the major body of waters eventually meet.ANYways, if it wasnot because of the oil spill then it might just be mother nature. i don't think its the end of the world or anything major.
    Mr. Bauer P4

  131. I don't really have a clue. Since we don't really have any leads, people could say it's anything. I would probably guess that maybe a certain disease or chemical or something is going around that maybe affects only certain animals, but for what actually happened, it's definitely anyone's guess.

    Brian S.
    Per. 4 Sloan

  132. claudia pantoja p.5 mr.sloanJanuary 12, 2011 at 3:45 PM

    i believe that everyone is getting scare for this events that are happening, but the bible says that all this is going to happend and that everyone was gonna try to find an answer for it but they have to notice that eveything is changing and other things are gonna happen...

  133. Miriam Bejines P.5 Mr.SloanJanuary 12, 2011 at 3:55 PM

    I believe that the dying off birds and fish is happening because of all the chemicals in the ocean and different rivers.The birds are because of all the pollution that i going on, I think that we are responsible for all of this just saying..

  134. I believe that maybe the fish and birds died for a reason! i dont know what that reason is but it could have been because there might have been an abundance of them. Another possible reason might have been the climate! The weather might have been a little too cold for these animals to stay alive.

    Brian Leiva
    Mr. Sloan
    Period 5

  135. Though the fish dies i dont think we have anything to worry about. I mean it is bad that the environment has caused these casualties but it was to fish not humans. The fish population will not be effected and they will continue to mas produce.

  136. i think its extremely scary and very unsanitized. i have no idea what might have caused it. but why would hundreds of them just fall dead? soooo weird!! r.i.p birdies and fishies :'(

    kim hernandez

  137. Theories are theories and nothing more.Honestly they are no different like the rumors of people who really dont know much about anything. There is a main reason to the dead fish and soon it will be found out because that is what humans do. Snoop. So until this is found out none of the theories mean anything.
    Joeliane M, P. 5 Sloan

  138. I believe we should not jump to conclusions. We should gather data and make an apporpriate scientific hypothesis to this problem. Most people are just guessing when they call their ideas "theories", they do not have any real proof. People need to gather proof before jumping to conclusions.

    Zach Mietz

  139. John Skinner
    Mr. Sloan Per. 4

    It's very well possible that these birds and fish died due to a natural reason. although there are currently no explanations i'm thinking that there was a test of hazardous gas over Arkansas that killed the birds. Considering there are no active military bases in arkansas that would be testing gaseous substances then it is less likely. Considering the Fish, it is very well possible that the cold may have killed them because their bodies were not suited to withstand a certain temperature. Considering it was only one species this is not ruled out. Should it have been several different species, then far more nefarious hypothesis would be aroused.

  140. I don't have much to say on why the fish and the birds suddenly died. I believe that the drop in temperature of the water shocked the fish and they died as far as the birds, I think it was possibly something they ate. Whatever the cause of deaths, I seriously doubt it's because the world is ending. The world would have been ending years ago when this incident previously occurred and we're still here.
    Sloan p. 2

  141. Let's face it. It's the end of the world. Fish and birds died; it must be the end. Oh wait. That happens all the time. It was probably just trauma from fireworks. I even read one source that thought it had something to do with the oil spill. The Mayans are wrong everyone. Get over it.

    Sloan p.2

  142. We as humans try to explain everything in the entire universe, but there are some things that even the smartest humans cannot even begin to grasp. I believe that this occurrence unveiled by something in nature that we cannot and will never understand.
    Ruben Rodriguez
    Mr. Bauer

  143. Michael Freeman Per 5 SloanJanuary 12, 2011 at 7:43 PM

    I cant see the video of the Jimmy Carter show because it was removed, but I will give my opinion on the subject. I don't think this is that big of a deal, so I would say it was natral. People are saying things like it is near the end of the world and this is the start, but the fish and birds that died were smaller and weaker. The earth is getting colder although we have this delusional look on global warming. I think that the fish and the birds got trapped in a cold environment that they were not use to and simply died.

  144. I dont think the deaths of fish mean that the world is going to end. Its just nature. Everything dies.

  145. I think people are overreacting with the whole belief that the world is beginning to end. Global warming and other factors, however, are not to be forgotten. The cases of the fish and birds dying may have simply been a coincidence. Scientists should study the incidents more in depth and see if any more strange events occur rather than jumping to conclusions so quickly.

    Mariska Vanderspek Per 1 Phenix

  146. After looking at a few comments, I agreed with most of them in the fact that this is nothing to become worried about. The reason that the fish died can be somewhere along the lines of the record cold tempuratures, and the same can be said for the birds. The birds may have died because the changing tempuratures tampered with their migration patterns, and they ended up flying into an electrical storm. Who knows right? Nevertheless, this is in no way an indication of the world ending. For those who believe that it is the worlding ending, no offense of course, but think about Y2K. Better?

    FYI- Same goes for 2012

  147. I do not think that the fish and birds dying is anything too serious. I think its just natural for species to lose alot of its population at times. It has happened before and not just to fish and birds and the population does usually grow back so I don't think there is anything to worry about.

  148. I think that it was a case of survival of the fittest a agree with the people who said that the animals died because they did not migrate in time so it began to get to cold and just simply died because of temperature change

    ricardo villalpando
    sloon pr5

  149. I believe that the deaths may possibly be due to the temperature drops or a disease in birds, such as the west Nile virus scare from a few years ago. But whatever it is I don't think people need to react so dramatically, the world is not going to end because of some birds and fish duying.

  150. well i think that it was just one of those things that happens why do some people find shocking when some certain amount of animals die but don't think about the millions of humans dieing daily it was just was that they did not make it to their destination and died case of climate they weren't used too. and the world is not coming to an end

    Richard Manzo Mr.Sloan pr5

  151. I believe that all these massive amounts of animals dying off is due to pollution. Over many centuries, we've been polluting the oceans and such. We also don't really know how the oceans and areas are being treated at the places where the animals are dying off. There may be secrets kept, etc. Also, the temperature changes may be been at fault. Much of the wildlife may have been late to migrate and simply died due to that. I don't think that these deaths foreshadow a very bad event to come, just simply mistakes and such and not being able to tolerate the temperature changes.
    -Kevin Rodgers, Sloan Period 2

  152. enrique salazar sloan period 5January 12, 2011 at 10:06 PM

    the deaths are shocking to me but im not too worried about them. the dude in the video said the fish and birds didnt exactly know how to start migrating. i don't think we should worry too a great extent until we know the real cause behind these strange deaths. the world is not ending!

  153. The first explanation to rule out in this situation would be the end of the world. Once you've got your head on straight putting two and two together isn't as hard at all. I agree with the nature specialist that it was most likely cause by cold temperatures as I, myself, have noticed this winter has been a bit colder than most. Additionally, we cannot keep polluting here and there and everywhere and not expect it to ever have some significant impact on mother nature. If it wasn't the cold that got the fish, there's a million other things today that could've. The same goes for the birds. Maybe they weren't expecting the cold to be so sudden and by putting off migration, they met their end. By no means do dead birds and fish signal the end of the world.

    AP Econ, period 3

  154. Ok lets see here if I were george bush. I would thinks it'd an attack. From alkida and we need to go to war against them since im not him and have more knowledge. I think tha this is some weird happebin that's just happened at the same time n someone got really freaked out ne made a big deal about it or that something isn't right bout those places I wouldn't vistit them so maybe it was a publicitnt stunt

  155. there are simple explanations to each of these occurences. the bird deaths could have been high altitude hail, lightning, or stess related due to fireworks and such on new years. the fish died because the cold temperature of the water. i dont think the world is ending.

    Hayley Swearingen
    Sloan per 4

  156. Haley Collins (Sloan Period One)January 12, 2011 at 10:32 PM

    Honestly I think that everyone is over exaggerating this whole situation. I believe all this is non sense, the cause of these animals passing away is not from "the end of the worl as we know it" but more possibly from a bacteria or virus in the area. Things like this occur all the time... so why make false accusations?

  157. Unfortunately, the dying fish is not the only thing that humans fail to explain. Does it foreshadow judgement day? I don't think so. It is just another natural disaster in the form of the deaths of many, many fish.
    kayla smith
    sloan per 2

  158. Everyone seems to agree that the fish and birds died out of coincidence through a drop in temperature. Which perhaps may be a side effect of global warming? Testing of the water should take place just to be on the safe side.

    Oh and I was disappointment with the lack of off-the-wall explanations.

    Gabriella Cello Mr. Sloan p.3

  159. I think that the deaths of the spot fish are a part of nature, however multiple species dying around the same time makes me a little concerned. We need to monitor what we put into the air and water, and make sure that its not having a damaging effect on our ecosystem.

    Natalie O Period 1 Phenix

  160. amanda eckroth

    i think all of the fish and birds are dying becuase of the pollition and the contemnated water that is productioning in the water. animals dye all the time..

  161. I think that the mass killings of birds and crabs is very bizarre. The explanations for why some these birds turned up dead in mass numbers is also crazy. Some say they died from trauma, but the question is trauma from what? I think that the theories on some of the mass killings can be believable except for the one that 2012 will be the end of the world. I think that this mass killings of animals does hint at something affecting us in the future.

  162. i think that this is just nature at work. i do not think that the world is going to end because these events are taking place. i read somewhere that this has happened in the past so i think it is just normal.

    Chris Long, period 3, bauer

  163. Birds falling out of the sky is not normal and i think theirs a problem in their envirement. Their could be different theories, but we would never find out what cause the birds to fall out of the sky.
    Jonathan Ramos

  164. I agree that the fish and birds were dying because the water was super too cold for them. Like the man had said in the first video, this happens from time to time so it is probably just part of nature. Or maybe they got a diseases you never now this days it could happen.
    Stephanie A

  165. There is an over abundance of fish however Many of the fish that died were babies. so they did not know how to move to warmer water. I do not think that theres anything serious about this. These types of things tend to happen every so often and temporary.
    Santiago Naranjo Diaz


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